What do you call Indian Roller in Kannada ?
Indian Roller ನೀಲಕಂಠ (Image courtesy-Wikipedia) |
Name of the bird: Indian Roller
Name in Kannada: ನೀಲಕಂಠ ಹಕ್ಕಿ
Scientific name: Coracias benghalensis
Have you seen this bird with brownish and blue colored birds when you are roaming around fields or near electric poles of green places...??
well this beautiful bird is the State Bird of Karnataka and is called as Indian Roller
And....Other states like Odhissa and Telangana also have chosen this bird as a state bird!!
These birds can often be seen in urban, and suburban areas, cultivated agricultural lands, and open grasslands. They are often seen perched on roadside trees or wires and near green cultivated lands.
They generally eat nuts, seeds, small reptiles, grasshoppers, ground insects, and crickets.
Their breast is brownish and the tail is dark blue. Feathers are a mix of dark blue, light blue, and pale green, and it's a feast to the eyes watching them fly. and It is beautiful to watch the feathers of it while it's flying.
Indian Roller ನೀಲಕಂಠ (Image courtesy-Wikipedia) |
Indian Roller (Image courtesy-Wikipedia) |
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